Pumpkin Spice Latte Poptarts

We're deep into pumpkin season here. It's all over knee boots and scarves and big steaming mugs of deliciousness. Despite the fact that it's still 70 degrees.

Pfft. If we can't have fall, we'll conjure it out of thin air. Am I right?

It is definitely past due to pumpkin spice all the things here on A Sweet Little Life. And like many of my petite sweets, I wanted to focus on a unique, complex flavor pairing. So I rolled up my sleeves and asked the internet one important question. Is there anything we haven't given the PSL treatment to? The short answer is no. No, there isn't. But I did manage to unearth one potential stroke of genius. Poptarts.

PSL Poptarts CLose-Up.jpg

I've never been a big breakfast eater, which is strange because I really love breakfast food. Just not at breakfast.

Coffee first. Always. Breakfast much, much later.

Even in middle school I rebelled against the idea of food before ten. My Mom tried to force me into those terrible, chalky Carnation Instant breakfasts for awhile. Shudder. Eventually she gave up and did what every Mom from the 80s and 90s did. She pushed a Poptart into my hand seconds before the bus rounded the corner and tried not to feel guilty about it. Pretty sure she still worries about what I eat for breakfast. (Don't worry, Mom. Caffeine is a food group. Science says so. Sort of.)

In truth, my Mom shouldn't have wasted one second of worry on those sugary pastries. Because Poptarts are basically handpies.

And nobody should ever, ever feel ashamed about eating pie for breakfast.

It involves fruit and grains. Pretty sure that's the same as oatmeal with blueberries. See how that works? These Poptarts get the Pumpkin Spice Treatment both in the crust, the filling, and the double glaze. So much PSL. Can you have too much Pumpkin Spice? Guess you're gonna find out.

We begin with my mother's piecrust. And really, that's how all good things begin. 


I added plenty of pumpkin spice and everything nice to this crust. As you can see, it's spectacularly speckled. 

Before we go any further, let's get the pumpkin spice filling on the stove.

This filling covers just the basics. Pumpkin, sugar, a little egg to thicken the deal, and of course, pumpkin spice. Remember- we're gonna PSL all the things. ALL of them.

Isn't that gorgeous?! I'll confess that I had some left over and it made a perfectly acceptable breakfast. #noregrets


Cut out rectangles from your dough, slather them with filling, and top with more crust. Crimp the edges with a fork but also prick the tops a few times. These beauties need room to breathe.

They emerge from the oven warm, golden, and absolutely fabulous.

Next, you'll want to whip up some latte glaze. It's really just a standard glaze with heavy cream to give it that rich, frothy texture.

Reserve about a third of the glaze and add the pumpkin spice and some additional powdered sugar to it. 

Slather the baked Poptarts with latte glaze, then finish by piping on some pumpkin spice glaze.

Double the glaze, double the awesome. 


These pumpkin pastries are your next best bet for the breakfast of champions. Easy to grab and go, contains fruit, and perfect for dunking in coffee. What's not to love? See you next week, friends where we'll explore more flavors of fall. Until then, spice up your life with plenty of sweet, pumpkin delightfulness.

PSL all the things. I totes approve.


Pumpkin Spice Latte Poptarts

For the crust:

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. pumpkin spice blend

2/3 cup vegetable shortening

1/4 cup cold water

1 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. vanilla

For the pumpkin filling:

1 cup pumpkin

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. pumpkin spice blend

1 egg

For the glaze:

1 cup powdered sugar

2-3 Tbsp. heavy cream

1 tsp. pumpkin spice blend

1 egg


Toss 1 cup flour with sugar, pumpkin spice, and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In a small bowl, mix 1/4 cup cold water with flour and vanilla to make a paste. Add to flour mixture and stir until dough clumps and follows fork. Roll into large rectangle 1/4 inch thick. Cut into rectangles using a ruler to ensure similar sizes.

To make the filling, add the pumpkin, pumpkin spice blend and sugar to a saucepan on the stove. Mix and heat just until sugar dissolves and pumpkin begins to stick to sides of the pot. Remove from heat and stir in egg.

Spread 2-3 Tbsp of filling on each rectangle of crust. Repeat. Top with rectangular crust pieces and crimp edges with fork. Poke small holes once or twice with the fork into the top of the pastry to allow air to escape while baking. Whisk egg and brush edges to seal the poptarts.

Bake in a 425 degree oven for 12-15 minutes or until edges begin to brown lightly. Remove from oven and cool.

In a small bowl, whisk together powdered sugar and cream until smooth. Remove 1/3 of the glaze and mix with pumpkin spice and an  additional 1/3-1/2 cup of powdered sugar until thickened. Spread cooled tarts with loose glaze, then pipe thicker pumpkin spice glaze on the tarts.  Marvel. Devour.

Did this recipe spice up your life in the best possible way? Come follow A Sweet Little Life on Pinterest for more sweet and spice and everything nice.