Operation Birthday: A Secret Agent Party

This year I entered a new phase of my life and it’s not like I didn’t see this one coming but it fell out of the sky like a piano dropped from a 43rd floor and squashed me flat.

I have a teenager.

And while he’s kind sorta too old for birthday parties, we thought it’d be nice to give it one last grand hurrah. I designed this stealthy birthday party to compliment the theme of a mystery room we’d booked, Code Agent RED. And considering the shoestring budget and minimal time investment, I was pretty pleased with how Operation Birthday commenced.


Let me clue you into the secret to this birthday party- the decor was super easy and incredibly inexpensive. Roll of crime scene tape? Check. Footprint stickers? Check. Sense of adventure? Double check.


In addition to the fun decor, we had a few activities like a laser obstacle course in the hallway and a scavenger hunt to find their party favors, which were envelopes labeled top secret with spy sunglasses, notebooks, and disappearing ink pens inside. But the clear crowd favorite was our board of suspects, printed out and labeled and connected with string.


We agreed to keep the food simple since we were about to lock ten teenage boys in an enclosed space for the better part of an hour. Yeah.

I signed my own death warrant on that one.

The centerpiece of the party as definitely this cake though, built using the most fondant I’ve ever attempted to put on a cake. I sent everyone home looking a bit grey in the mouth. Sorry/not sorry about that, parents.


Also noteworthy was the big bang at the end. Yes, you can put straight up sparklers on a cake inside but be warned. You should probably stand back.


Just kidding. It was fine.


Happy Birthday to my first born. Sniff. And congrats to both of us for making it to the teenage years. May we both survive them with only minor injuries.


Want to get more bang for your buck at your next birthday party? Follow A Sweet Little Life on Instagram for inspiration.